Mountain Kids Policies

Registration Policies and Procedures

Please contact us at (303) 665-8287 with registration questions or email us at

You may register for a class at any time as space allows. Our classes are based on a continuous learning cycle.

  • Unlike most facilities and programs we do not charge a registration fee or membership fee for our Gymnastics, Ninja and Dance Programs.
  • Tuition is prorated based on your start date.
  • We offer both a multi-class and sibling discount.
  • Tuition is based on a yearly season which begins mid-August and runs through the following August. Tuition is prorated based on your start date and moving forward debited with a convenient monthly payment. You will not pay more for longer months or less for shorter months. Tuition holds your space in class and is not dependent on attendance.
  • Your monthly tuition is debited on the 16th of each month for the coming month. ie: October tuition, debited on Sept.16th. 
  • We are happy to offer a make-up class for your student if they miss due to an illness within 30 days of the missed class. However, we are only able to add a make-up student to a class with space available. When classes are full, make-ups may be unavailable.
  • On Demand programming is available for make-ups, holiday closures or natural breaks in our schedule. 
  • In the event of a new stay at home order all programming will pivot to virtual learning.

Re-enrollment is required for all students at the start of each school year.

Sibling Discount: Families with more than one student will pay full price for the highest tuition value and a 10% sibling discount on tuition for each additional student. 

Gymnastics/NinjaZone multi-class discounts: Students taking more than 1 gymnastics or ninja zone class per week will receive a 10% discount on the 2nd class and 15% discount on any additional classes for the same student.

Dance multi-class discounts: Students taking multiple dance classes will receive a progressive discount based on the number of classes they are taking each week as follows: class 2 10%, class 3 15%, class 4 30%, class 5 35%, class 6 40% or an unlimited tuition rate.

To withdraw from classes please email, by the 15th of the month prior to the month you wish to withdraw from. (For example: please let us know by February 15th that you wish to discontinue as of March). Please make sure you receive a confirmation of your withdrawal. Withdrawals received after the 15th will result in a class credit to be used at a future date (class credits expire after one year).

100% Money Back Guarantee
For families brand new to Mountain Kids/MCDA our guarantee assures if you are not completely satisfied with your class after the first month we will refund all class fees. Refunds must be requested in writing with an explanation of how we did not meet your expectations.


Make-up Policy

Keeping our students and staff healthy and safe is our number one priority which is why we will continue to adhere to our 100% wellness policy. 

We are happy to offer a make-up class for your students if they miss due to an illness within 30 days of the missed class. However, we are only able to add a make-up student to a class with space available. When classes are full, make-up availability may be unavailable. Missed classes are not eligible for a tuition credit or refund. 

We do ask that you make every effort to attend class unless your student is ill. For families who are unable to attend a make-up class in-person we encourage you to take advantage of our On-Demand Classes.


Waitlist Procedures

We will notify you via text that a space has become available. We ask that you respond to the text within 24hrs accepting or declining the space. If after 24hrs we have not heard from you we will remove your student from the waitlist and offer the space to the next student on the list.  Tuition will be prorated based on your start date. 

Evaluations, Celebrations, Performance Opportunities

Students are evaluated and celebrated continuously throughout the year.  Our Winterfest Performances (all students), Snowflake Soiree Dance Performance, Mountain Moose Moose, Ninja Missions, Ninja Games and our Spring Benefit Dance Concert offer unique opportunities for students to perform for friends and family. Progress will be communicated to parents via email consistently as students make progress and attain new skills.

Performance Opportunities
Dancers have the opportunity to perform during our Winter Showcase (Daisy dancers and up only) and our Spring Benefit Performance (includes all dancers). To put on a quality show (theater rental, production and lighting staff along with beautiful costumes) a recital fee is charged for each show:

  • Winter Showcase Concert Fee due October 16th with Nov. tuition,
  • Spring Benefit Concert Fee due February 16th with March tuition.

We truly believe performing is an integral part of your student’s dance education and strongly encourage all dancers to participate in these positive performance opportunities.

Child Protection Policy

Hiring procedure:

  • Interview- We let any potential employees know that we take the safety of our students very seriously and that we practice body safety rules. We discuss appropriate touch/spotting of skills and consent. We determine if the candidate is a good fit for our culture of safety and professionalism.
  • Personal & Professional References Checked
  • We run a background check through the National Center for Safety Initiatives
  • Each staff member is required to complete child protection and abuse prevention training thru Darkness to Light. within the first 30 days of employment.
  • Key employees complete the Parenting Safe Children course as well to further understand how to be part of each family’s body safety team.

Safety Policies for Instruction:

  • At no time is any instructor one-on one with a child/student.
  • Private lessons are discouraged. However, on occasion are allowed with proper supervision. (Minimum of two adults two female and/or one male, one female at all time in the facility anytime a student is present) Parents in general are required to stay at the facility during private lessons.
  • Coaching and/or socialization of staff and students outside facility is prohibited
  • Teacher/student contact via social media, text or phone is prohibited
  • We continue education through sharing of relevant articles, discussion and ongoing training through staff meetings and skill clinics.
  • In the event of any concern, employees and clients are empowered to report concerns to:
    Colorado Department of Human Services
    Division of Early Care and Learning
    Attention: Complaint Intake
    1575 Sherman Street, 1st Floor
    Denver, CO
    or call 1-844-262-5437 Monday thru Friday between 8am and 5pm
  • All concerns will be documented and communicated through the proper chain of command (to immediate manager on duty, then to owner.) Regarding any disclosures of abuse, we require immediate mandatory reporting by our staff to the proper authorities.

As a mom of three there is nothing more important to me than your child’s safety. At Mountain Kids we go through great lengths to make sure our faculty receives continual education on all areas of childhood development, gymnastics, ninja and dance training and prevention of child abuse/sexual abuse. In addition, I have an open door policy, any and all concerns should be brought to me and handled in an efficient and effective manner.