Mountain Kids Blog

Fight Illness Better by Staying Active

Fight Illness Better by Staying Active

The arrival of winter means cozy nights by the fireplace, building snowmen in the front yard, and holiday cheer. There are so many things to look forward to! But with winter also comes the arrival of cold and flu season. And who would want to ruin the wonder of winter...

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3 of the Best Ways to Give Back as a Family

3 of the Best Ways to Give Back as a Family

Everywhere you look, there are stress-busting recommendations: bath bombs, yoga classes, herbs and supplements. And it makes sense — between worrying about the health of ourselves and our loved ones, managing remote work and schooling, and going a little stir crazy...

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3 Powerful Reasons Why In-Person Learning is Best

3 Powerful Reasons Why In-Person Learning is Best

As if being a parent doesn’t already come with a million choices to make every day, 2020 has really put our decisiveness to the test. One huge decision has been looming over all of us: Do I take the risk of sending my child to in-person education? When it comes to...

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Top 10 Reasons to Join us for National Gymnastics Day

Top 10 Reasons to Join us for National Gymnastics Day

One of our favorite holidays is just around the corner…National Gymnastics Day! On September 19, 2020, gymnastics enthusiasts all over the country can come together (not literally — keep that mask on!) to celebrate a sport that’s not only loads of fun, but healthy for...

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6 Expert Ways to Encourage Independence in Your Child

6 Expert Ways to Encourage Independence in Your Child

As parents, we all want our children to grow up into responsible, independent adults someday. And as it turns out, nurturing your child’s independence isn’t just about giving yourself some relief as a parent. It also has long-term positive health effects for your...

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The Exciting Benefits of Virtual Learning

The Exciting Benefits of Virtual Learning

While it can be hard to see the bright side during these changing times, there are still plenty of things to be grateful for. Warm weather, the health of ourselves and our family — the list goes on. Most recently, we’ve been grateful for the opportunity to bring...

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Tips to Teach Your Kids Hygiene & Healthy Living

Tips to Teach Your Kids Hygiene & Healthy Living

While these may be uncertain times, it’s becoming clear what truly matters in life: family and health. We’re all spending more time with our families, and want nothing more than to keep them safe and healthy. Coronavirus has taught us that in order to do so, it’s...

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3 Exciting Earth Day Books and Activities for Kids

3 Exciting Earth Day Books and Activities for Kids

Many of us have spent the last few weeks cooped up inside while we take safe social distancing measures. And if your family is like mine, you might be feeling a little stir crazy. With school and gyms closed, sports events cancelled, and your kids having to stay away...

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Update 4/10/2020 : Mountain Kids/MCDA

Update: 4/10/2020 Dear Families,  We miss you, we miss your energy and your smiles, the failures and the wins, we miss the hard work and perseverance, we miss your kids!  We are yearning for the day we can resume our classes and are working hard behind the scenes to...

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Get Your Kids Moving With These Fun Indoor Activities

Get Your Kids Moving With These Fun Indoor Activities

Most of us love a cozy snow day here and there. There’s nothing like skipping the commute to work and school, playing in the snow, and warming up afterwards with some cocoa and a little guilt-free screen time. But the tune changes when a snow day becomes a snowy...

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The Surprising Ways Volunteering Benefits Children

The Surprising Ways Volunteering Benefits Children

At Mountain Kids, we believe a community is a place where people of all ages are supported. And it should be a place where everyone can find ways to give back. Not only do we think building healthy communities is an “all hands on deck” situation, but we’ve seen the...

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Blast Off Into 2020 with a Family Vision Board

Blast Off Into 2020 with a Family Vision Board

It’s the end of the year and you’re probably already envisioning the new you for 2020. Unfortunately, there’s no magic New Year’s spell that helps you break all your bad habits. That takes work, envisioning, and a good support team. And what better support team than...

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3 Ways Morning Exercise Can Help Your Child in the Classroom

3 Ways Morning Exercise Can Help Your Child in the Classroom

Want to give your kids an extra brain boost for their day? Consider a morning exercise routine to keep them energized and focused for the rest of the day. I know what you’re thinking: “Oh great, yet another agenda item to add to our crazy morning routine. It’s hard...

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Cure End-of-Summer Boredom With These 4 Colorado Adventures

Cure End-of-Summer Boredom With These 4 Colorado Adventures

The last bit of summer is always bittersweet. On one hand, between BBQs, bike rides, and time with family, maybe it feels like summer flew by. On the other hand, maybe you’ve checked off all the boxes in your summer fun list, and now your kiddos are getting a little...

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5 Ways Dance Helps Children Experience the “Flow State”

5 Ways Dance Helps Children Experience the “Flow State”

Picture a time you’ve felt “in the zone.” Maybe it was that time you rocked a presentation at work, or were absorbed for hours in a great novel. Now imagine times you’ve recognized this state in your children — seeing it on their face before they scored their first...

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Mountain Kids Wins the Inspiration Award from There with Care

Mountain Kids Wins the Inspiration Award from There with Care

At Mountain Kids, we believe in giving back to our community. As a testament to this value, we’ve partnered with the non-profit organization There with Care since 2012 to help support their cause.  There with Care is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting...

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FALL REGISTRATION: Priority registration for currently enrolled students opens July 17th at 9am. Registration opens to the public on Saturday, July 20th at 9am. Fall Classes Begin August 19th!