Mountain Kids is dedicated to helping your kids be happy, confident and strong. And one of the ways we do this is by educating our staff in child sexual abuse prevention, as well as offering educational opportunities to the parents and caregivers of the children in our community. 

Mountain Kids Louisville is proud to be partnering with Jefferson Street Preschool and Mountain View Preschool to host a Parenting Safe Children workshop with Feather Berkower on Saturday September 29, 2018 at Mountain View Preschool in Boulder. (You can register here!)

So what does the workshop entail, and how will it help you keep your child safe? Keep reading to learn 3 ways the Parenting Safe Children Workshop can help you protect your child from sexual abuse.

1. It’s Up To Us, the Adults, To Shine A Light On Sexual Abuse

We believe that your investment in the class is one of the most important things you can do to help keep your child safe from sexual abuse.

The fact is, this topic is not one that most parents and caregivers care to discuss. It can feel uncomfortable or awkward to discuss it with your partners, spouses, children or your child’s teachers or coaches.

Many parents will take the step to go over body safety rules with their children, but neglect to take the next (and infinitely more important step) of building a prevention team with all of the adults in their child’s life. This can include family, friends, teachers, coaches, caregivers, camp counselors, church staff and more.

It’s up to us, the adults, to take the lead in bringing this topic out into the light, rather than putting the burden on our kids to speak up to a potential abuser.

2. Prevention Is A Team Effort

Feather Berkower, founder of Parenting Safe Children, does an excellent job teaching parents and caregivers how to build a prevention team.

Creating a prevention team starts by enlisting the other adults in your child’s life to follow body safety rules. This includes having and enforcing rules and policies within their homes, schools or organizations that prevent child sexual abuse.

This also puts these adults on notice that sexual abuse prevention is on your radar. This crucial step has been shown to be an effective deterrent to anyone thinking about targeting a child for grooming for abuse.

3. We Want To Help Keep All Kids Safe

The staff at Mountain Kids would love to be on your prevention team. We care deeply about the children who attend classes with us (and all of the children in our community), and it’s our goal to keep these kids safe!

Please consider attending the Parenting Safe Children workshop or taking the class online if you’re outside the Denver metro area.

This may well be one of the most important things you do as a parent to keep your child safe.

Register here for the workshop and make a big difference in keeping your child safe, now and into the future.

FALL REGISTRATION: Priority registration for currently enrolled students opens July 17th at 9am. Registration opens to the public on Saturday, July 20th at 9am. Fall Classes Begin August 19th!