Summer is here, and that means the kids are home from school. Having the kids home, 24/7 can be overwhelming, but it’s also the best time of year to enjoy time together as a family.

The summer months provide the perfect opportunity to break out of your routine and try something new.

You don’t have to leave the house, either. At-home gymnastics challenges are a great way to get your kids moving around the home. With simple activities, they’ll increase strength, flexibility, and coordination.

The mental benefits of gymnastics are just as valuable, ranging from increasing confidence to nurturing independence at a young age. Gymnastics instills characteristics that help your kids their whole lives.

If you feel like the long summer days never end, breaking up the summer monotony with these fun gymnastics challenges at home. With plenty of creative options, your kids will never complain of being bored again.

Make Your own Family Olympics

The 2021 Tokyo summer Olympics begin in July. While you’re watching the events with your family, take the fun even further by creating your own Olympic-style challenges.

Setting up a family Olympic competition in your home is customizable to all ages and family sizes. You can play traditional summer games like potato sack races and water balloon fights, as well as getting a little creative.

Items around the house can be the perfect tools for competitive events. For example, you can play a game of curling with old soda cans and brooms.

Of course, no summer Olympics is complete without a gymnastics competition. To honor one of the most beloved Olympic events, set up an at-home gymnastics challenge. You can bring out play mats for floor routines or practice balancing on items around the house.

To keep balancing safe for your little ones, we’d recommend using pillows — they’re surprisingly challenging to balance on and much safer than climbing up on furniture.

Olympic games also don’t have to be purely physical. You can play games like trivia, which is a fun way to teach kids about countries around the world.

Pro tip: for clean-up time, play “Who Can Pick Up Toys the Fastest?” and time your kids as they pick up toys at lightning speed.

Most importantly, don’t forget to have fun making medals handing out special awards at the end of the night.

Family TikTok Challenges

There’s no denying that social media is a part of everyday life, and TikTok is one of the most popular platforms. There are plenty of TikTok challenges that the whole family will enjoy.

Lonely chair challenge: Using a green screen, family members must find small objects around the house to pretend are chairs. This challenge is fun, promotes creativity, and is sure to end in laughter.

Level up challenge: This challenge was originally designed for dogs, but why not let the humans have some fun too? Stack up toilet paper and see how high everyone can jump without knocking down the rolls.

Dance challenges: There are ample fun dance challenges to choose from on TikTok that everyone in the family will enjoy. One fun beginner challenge is called the “Something New Challenge.” Dancers are welcome to use planned choreography or show off their signature moves.

TikTok is full of challenges and videos specific to gymnastics. Trying out some fun gymnastic challenges at home is a great way to spend a summer day or evening with family.

The challenges can be both fun and hilarious. For example, having the whole family lay on their stomachs with their hands behind their backs, and trying to get up without going onto their sides or back!

Outdoor Fun

Summer is the perfect time to get outdoors with your kids. Hot weather and your kid’s boundless energy make the outdoors the best playground for kids and adults. Plus, there are plenty of ways to incorporate gymnastics in your backyard.

If you have a backyard, trampolines, swimming pools, and playground sets are obvious options for letting your kids get their energy out.

If you don’t have as much space, there are still fun physical activities for kids to play. Simple items like hula-hoops and bean bags are great ways to play outside. Water balloon fights and Capture the Flag are sure to keep kids busy.

They can also incorporate skills learned at NinjaZone classes in the backyard or basement — the mix of martial arts, gymnastics, and obstacle courses can be fun for the whole family.

If you’re looking for a less structured obstacle course, let the kids use their creativity and imagination to create their own. The most important aspects are time together, staying active, and being safe.

For gymnastics enthusiasts, go head-to-head in a kids vs. adults gymnastics challenge. There’s nothing more rewarding than a bit of healthy family competition.

Indoor Games for Kids

Unfortunately, even in warm summer months, weather isn’t always optimal for outdoor play. Whether it’s a rainy day or you and your family need a break from the heat, you can turn your home into a gymnastics wonderland.

Install indoor swing rings or use a small, indoor trampoline for activities. If you want to get really creative, try building an indoor rock wall. These are great ways to keep kids entertained all year long.

Indoor exercise for kids is convenient and necessary. If the opportunity to go outside isn’t available, finding ways to stay active inside can be just as fun.

Backflips, cartwheels, and round-offs might be better left to gyms or outdoors, but there are great ways to practice gymnastics indoors while not damaging the furniture. Handstands and backbends are easily practiced inside, especially with help from other family members.

The whole family can compete to see who can stay in a backbend the longest.

Gymnastics videos by kids are a great way to get ideas and inspiration. There are plenty of beginner gymnastics videos for kids who want to learn the basics.

Try a Gymnastics Class this Summer

Coming up with things to do with your kids during the summer can be overwhelming, especially while trying to keep the house clean and get dinner on the table.

Summers are best spent being active and exploring new things. There are tons of little-known wonders locally. When the weather allows, you can also check out these cool family-friendly Colorado attractions this summer.

Still need help keeping the kids entertained when they’re on summer break?

Check out our newest gymnastics classes this summer >

FALL REGISTRATION: Priority registration for currently enrolled students opens July 17th at 9am. Registration opens to the public on Saturday, July 20th at 9am. Fall Classes Begin August 19th!