Can you believe it’s already time to say good bye to 2018?

It feels like just yesterday I was dropping my kiddos off for their first day of school, and now we’re diving into winter break! 

If 2019 has crept up on you like it has me, then chances are you haven’t thought much about your New Year’s resolutions.

Luckily, there’s still time.

If you need help getting started on your list of resolutions, how about killing 2 birds with one stone by planning to enroll your kids in activities they love?

Not only can it help them become healthier, more confident, and make new friends, but it can give you some extra time for self-care.

Whether your children prefer dancing, tumbling, or martial arts, we’re guaranteed to have an enriching program they love.

More About Mountain Kids Classes

We offer various age-appropriate camps and classes designed to help your child have fun and stay healthy.

Priority registration for summer camp ends in January. Regular sign-ups start February 1st, so now is a great time to plan for enrollment!

Gymnastics Classes

Children love to move — it’s a fact of life. In gymnastics, they get to tumble, jump and flip, all while learning important coordination skills and building self-confidence. The benefits don’t end there, either!

Benefits for Toddlers (Age 2-3)

Gymnastics comes naturally for kids, which is why they can get started as early as 2 years old.

Some perks of getting your toddlers started in gymnastics include:

  • Improved balance and coordination: At ages 2-3, children are still learning how to balance themselves, catch themselves when they fall, and other coordination tricks. Gymnastics can help them learn to balance, which means less cringe-worthy falls.
  • Helps build strong bones: Gymnastics is a weight-bearing activity that helps strengthen bones. This could help prevent breaks and fractures in the future.
  • Creates a sense of self-discipline: Gymnastics classes for toddlers can help them learn early on that hard work pays off, as well as how to regulate their emotions in order to meet their goals.

Benefits for Preschoolers (Age 3-5)

At age 3-5, kids are learning how to deepen their social connections, play pretend, and do fun things like swing or hop on one foot. Gymnastics can help encourage these types of development:

  • Improved social skills: Not only will your children be surrounded by friends to hop around and play with, but they’ll learn important social skills like taking turns or team support.
  • Improved focus: Preschoolers are getting longer attention spans. Gymnastics can help improve this focus time by requiring they pay close attention to their body movements to complete a trick.
  • Following rules: Most rules in gymnastics are for a child’s safety. Around pre-school age, they begin to accept that rules are there for a reason and learn to follow them for their own benefit.

Benefits for School-Agers (5+)

School-age children are in the midst of developing their sense of self, and enjoy challenging themselves physically.

Gymnastics classes at this age can aid their personal and physical abilities and help them establish a more positive sense of self:

  • Helps meet their daily activity needs: Children 5 and up are recommended to have at least 1 hour of significant physical activity. Gymnastics is a great way for them to shake out the wiggles after a long day at school.
  • Helps build self-confidence: Setting physical goals and accomplishing them along with the encouragement of a team can help children develop confidence.
  • Helps prevent play injuries: Chances are if you have children you’re some-what prepared for a broken bone or injury. Gymnastics helps children learn how to land correctly and develops their strength and balance to help you avoid some hospital bills.

NinjaZone Classes

The NinjaZone takes place in our fun-filled gym with plenty of obstacles and Parkour opportunities. The program combines a little bit of gymnastics with a little bit of martial arts and a whole lot of fun!

NinjaZone participants are grouped by both age and skill level, so the lessons progress as quickly as they do.

Benefits for age 3-4 (Lil’ Ninjas)

3 and 4 year olds will learn to feel more secure and self-reliant, which makes for a great combination to ease any preschool separation anxiety.

They’ll also get an early sense of effort vs. outcome and risk vs. reward, helping them better achieve their goals from an early age.

Benefits for Age 4-5

At ages 4 and 5, children are learning to better acknowledge their emotions.

Ninja Zone can help them learn how to regulate their feelings by teaching them methods of coping with stress and aggression.

Benefits for Age 5-7

At ages 5-7, children are learning they can do much more with their bodies. Ninja Zone will help them build confidence through this realization by helping them meet milestones and accomplish new things.

They’re also in a state of exploring imagination. Ninja Zone celebrates that, and allows them to be whoever they want to be each day.

Benefits for Age 8-11

Age 8-11, also known as middle childhood, is when children learn to apply logic and learn to problem solve.

This is a great stage to have them enrolled in Ninja Zone, as the classes will help improve their attention span and ability to learn critical thinking.

Dance Classes

Who doesn’t love to move to their favorite music? At Mountain Contemporary Dance, your kids will learn everything from ballet to hip-hop.

Classes are divided by age and genre so your child can choose a class that’s just their style.

Benefits for Toddlers/Preschoolers (1-5)

Early childhood is a crucial time in a child’s development, and dance can help them thrive.

Dance is a creative process, and it can help nurture the development of their imagination.

It also teaches them nonverbal communication. Learning nonverbal communication teaches them about body language, aiding both in their own communication skills and ability to empathize.

Benefits For Kids (5+)

Dance class for kids in elementary school can aid in the development of their social-emotional skills, helping them become more mindful and empathetic.

They’ll also develop close friendships and self-confidence.

Benefits For Teens (11+)

Dance improves the memory, which is handy for all those big tests.

Speaking of big tests, teen-hood seems to require a lot of sitting. What better way than the creative expression of dance to keep them up and moving?

Between seeing the joy on your child’s face and having a little more time to yourself, Mountain Kids Louisville classes will be a New Year’s resolution you’ll be thankful you kept.

Register for a dance class today to ensure a spot >