Mountain Kids Blog

The Benefits of Building Core Strength Through Play

The Benefits of Building Core Strength Through Play

Having a strong core is essential to overall health, fitness, and mobility. But did you know that weak core muscles can also contribute to problems in the classroom for children?  A child who has trouble sitting and standing without support can struggle with poor...

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The Growth Behind “Going For It”

The Growth Behind “Going For It”

My favorite thing as an instructor is to see kids busting out of their comfort zones, and mastering techniques they once struggled with.  Kids at MCDA and Mountain Kids come to class with so much excitement about what they're learning. That kind of atmosphere is...

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Sweet Valentine’s Day Activities to do With Your Kids

Sweet Valentine’s Day Activities to do With Your Kids

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and kids love to join in for some sweet fun with the family!  Here are 5 ideas to try with your kiddos to create your own love-centered traditions this year. Create homemade valentines for the ones you love (or help your...

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NinjaZone: Bringing The Perks of Gymnastics to Boys

NinjaZone: Bringing The Perks of Gymnastics to Boys

*Image courtesy of Calelite Kids If you’ve ever suggested gymnastics to your son and received the response, “but that’s for girls!”, you're probably not alone. That’s because stereotypically, some parents and their kids might view gymnastics as a more female-oriented...

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3 Surprising Ways Music Helps Your Child’s Development

3 Surprising Ways Music Helps Your Child’s Development

Our kids are exposed to music every day…at the store, in the car and during their favorite movies. Music is happening all around us, which is why it might be easy as parents to start taking it for granted.  But did you know that Moana or Frozen song your kids are...

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3 Reasons To Attend The Parenting Safe Children Workshop

3 Reasons To Attend The Parenting Safe Children Workshop

Mountain Kids is dedicated to helping your kids be happy, confident and strong. And one of the ways we do this is by educating our staff in child sexual abuse prevention, as well as offering educational opportunities to the parents and caregivers of the children in...

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It Takes a Village: How Mountain Kids Gives Back

It Takes a Village: How Mountain Kids Gives Back

You’ve probably heard the expression “It takes a village to raise a child.” Here at Mountain Kids, we believe in giving back to that village in any way that we can — and including the participation of our children!  From our work with local non-profit There with Care...

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Mountain Kids Gives Back: Why We Love There with Care

Mountain Kids Gives Back: Why We Love There with Care

At Mountain Kids, our business is founded on the philosophy of giving back — giving back to our kids and our communities. And a huge building block of that foundation is our relationship with local non-profit organization, There with Care. What is There with Care?...

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5 Winter Olympic Champions Who Were Gymnasts first

5 Winter Olympic Champions Who Were Gymnasts first

Photo courtesy of Gymnastics aren’t just for aspiring gymnasts. The many benefits of gymnastics have proven to reap rewards in many other sports and physical activities thanks to its mental and physical benefits. Gymnastics helps develop both mental and...

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An Open Letter on USA Gymnastics and Larry Nassar

An Open Letter on USA Gymnastics and Larry Nassar

Dear families, I have a lot to say about Larry Nassar and the negligence of USA Gymnastics, MSU and the United States Olympic Committee. I’m sure many of you are feeling the same way. But before I go any further, I want to take a moment and commend the brave young...

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30 Days of Giving Back: Ninja Zone December Kindness Calendar

30 Days of Giving Back: Ninja Zone December Kindness Calendar

Here at Mountain Kids, we don’t believe giving back needs to reserve to one or two days in December. We encourage giving back all month long! That’s why we’ve joined forces with Ninja Zone Gives Back  with our Toy Drive for Share-A-Gift and Ninja Zone's Kindness...

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November and December All-Stars: Our Best and Brightest

November and December All-Stars: Our Best and Brightest

Here at Mountain Kids, we believe every child deserves a chance in the spotlight. That’s why we’ve created our monthly All-Star series to showcase outstanding athletes when we notice them shine. From little movers to super stars to ninja warriors, our All-Stars of the...

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Give Your Kids the Gift of Experiences This Holiday Season

Give Your Kids the Gift of Experiences This Holiday Season

Every Thanksgiving break, my family works together to declutter our house. We box up toys and books that are ready for new homes. We clean out our dressers and closets and say goodbye to the things we don’t wear anymore. And after all this hard work of getting rid of...

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Honoring The Way Of The Toddler

Honoring The Way Of The Toddler

Do you have a little running, climbing, adventuresome tiny person at home? Have you ever wondered if there’s a gymnastics class that might be a perfect for this ball of energy? Maybe you’ve heard of other parents taking their 1 or 2 year-old-to gymnastics classes, but...

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FALL REGISTRATION: Priority registration for currently enrolled students opens July 17th at 9am. Registration opens to the public on Saturday, July 20th at 9am. Fall Classes Begin August 19th!